Jordan Everist releases genre-crossing new album, "Vacancy"
Is it soul? Is it electronic? Is it pop? Is it hiphop? The answer is "yup" lol. Every track shows traces of a different music genre that mash well together from song to song peak interest and earbuds. Finally you just give in, let go of interpretation, and surrender to the rich content and supreme dopeness that is 12-tracks of Jordan Everist's "Vacancy". Checkout In The PatCave's in-depth interview with Jordan and follow him below!
Jordan Everist is a young artist from the town of Portland, Oregon. He found his beginnings trying to make hip hop and rap beats when he was in high school. As he progressed, he began to expand his horizons to dubstep/electronica, classical, indie music, and jazz. Besides music, Jordan Everist has been indulging his creativity by writing short stories, songs, and screenplays. Going along with those screenplays is a series of short films he has also directed and acted in. The soundtracks to these films have been compiled by Jordan. Production Credits: Donte Thomas, G6ix, Ares, Ninth Diamond, and many more. He has been known to occasionally produce music through the alias' of: Titus Giovanni(Jazz), Christianson(Indie), and KanoWave(Electronic).